This looks like a potentially interesting site. I was looking at the BBC World programme "Click" and saw a feature by Kate Russell. Here's what she says (thanks for the quote Kate and BBC):
"Gyminee is a fitness and workout tracking site, which allows users to keep a strict eye on their fitness regime.
The site makes use of a couple of visual interfaces, which report back on the effectiveness of your training regime via a number of graphs and diagrams.
The site is still in beta stage but is accepting free testers. It is necessary to enter some login details to join, but once this is complete you are presented with your own profile page, which is reminiscent of a social networking site.
Enter your objectives, from weight loss to muscle growth and the site creates tracking tools appropriate to your goals.
For example, clicking on the locker room tab provides a graph which tracks the user's progress depending on the data added after a workout.
For info on the sort of training regime that might suit you, the workout section contains a library of different programs. Some of these have frightening titles like Killer Abs - but you know what they say? No pain, no gain.
A nice touch is that some workout programs include instructional videos.
Users can also keep a track of their diet via the nutrition tab, and there is an element of social networking in the gym buddies option. This allows users to try and find workout buddies both real and virtual via the forums."
The Gyminee "About" blurb says: " Gyminee Corporation was founded in 2007 to meet a targeted need in the health and fitness market. While a few other fitness tracking web applications exist on the Internet, none adequately capture the need for real fitness tracking using a simple interface."
I've signed up and we'll see how useful it is... I keep most of my exercise tracks in notebooks and excel maybe this will keep things in one place.. Check out
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