Boom Generation Fitness

Mind - body fitness and health strategies for powering thru later years

The blog is aimed at the generation that was born between 1946 and 1964 - the so-called Baby Boomers.

We are now into our middle-age and very interested in staying fit and healthy until well into our senior years.

This blog provides some of the tools to do just that. You can find posts here and lots more by clicking on the links to THINK FIT and THE FITNESS PAPERS (see left side column).

These pages are about any and all matters concerning wellness, mind, body and spirit and, of course, physical exercise of all sorts. A special feature is an emphasis on individuals who can provide examples for us all of a healthy, energetic and positive life.


Geoff Quartermaine Bastin

More about who I am on:

Thursday, August 31, 2006


The goal of this blog is to provide a focal point for Baby Boomers to learn and exchange ideas about mind-body fitness over 50.

The target audience is for those born between 1946 and 1964 - the Baby Boom Generation. For more information check out The Boomer Initiative (formerly the American Association of Baby Boomers) – a non-profit organization that addresses the challenges of the members of this vast generation and the challenges of the generations to follow (see link on the right).

The BB Generation is focused on internally directed values such as:

  • age acceptance
  • gains in stamina and energy
  • preventing age-related illness
  • mental and spiritual well-being

The blog has three main parts, two on this page and one on another page.

On this page:

- FITNESS FORWARDS - practical/tactical activities that deal with energy, stamina, strenght and mind and body well-being

- FIT PEOPLE - the experiences and profiles of inspirational people who plan to be fit as they get older or people who can help you stay fit

On the next page:

- THINK FIT - ideas, books, reviews and more links to useful websites - you get to this material by hitting the link to Think Fit on the right of this page

Each post is labelled with one of these three categories so you can reach the subject areas easily by clicking in the column on the right. Then just follow your interests.

SITE MAP - Click on the link on the right side of the page to see this map

We also want to hear from you. Comment on the posts or contact us at

Acknowledgement: the BBGeneration logo of the two runners was kindly provided free by PaulPePro at who has lots of cool photos about jogging. We have no idea who the two people are, but they capture the spirit of what this blog is about, so thanks to them and to Paul.