Boom Generation Fitness

Mind - body fitness and health strategies for powering thru later years

The blog is aimed at the generation that was born between 1946 and 1964 - the so-called Baby Boomers.

We are now into our middle-age and very interested in staying fit and healthy until well into our senior years.

This blog provides some of the tools to do just that. You can find posts here and lots more by clicking on the links to THINK FIT and THE FITNESS PAPERS (see left side column).

These pages are about any and all matters concerning wellness, mind, body and spirit and, of course, physical exercise of all sorts. A special feature is an emphasis on individuals who can provide examples for us all of a healthy, energetic and positive life.


Geoff Quartermaine Bastin

More about who I am on:

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Why is Konishi Sensei (who, after all, died in 1983 aged 90) saluted here? I took this photo in 1982 in Sensei’s dojo in Tokyo. He was still teaching class – kendo and karate – clad in his favorite Hawaiian shirt. I can personally testify that it was impossible to touch him in sparring and he could still throw a big man (I am 6 foot 4) to the ground with scarcely a muscle moved. Konishi trained at his chosen art – both body and mind – his entire life and reaped the rewards.

Yasuhiro Konishi, who was born in 1893 in Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, began his martial arts training at age 6 in Muso Ryu Jujitsu. At age 13, while practicing jujitsu, Konishi Sensei began studying kendo as well. In September, 1924, Hironishi Ohtsuka, the founder of the Wado-Ryu style of karate, and Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of mainstream Shotokan karate arrived at Konishi's door. With his help Funakoshi established a karatee club at Keio University (the first university karate club in Japan). Thereafter karate expanded to the world-wide activity it is today with Konishi Sensei playing a central role in its development, eventually founding a unique style embodying the best of karate, jujitsu and aikido – Shindo Jinen Ryu. For more on this unique style of karate and details of Yasuhiro Konishi’s life check the link on the right of this page.

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